Thursday, May 16, 2013

How To Have A Boy Naturally ?

How To Have A Boy Naturally Ways
How to have a boy naturally is the most frequently used searching phrase in a search engine. People are looking the most effective way to conceive a baby boy because they want to have a male baby. According to many researches that include parents in all over the worlds, newly married couples tend to expect a baby boy.

They do so because of many reasons and one of those reasons is the culture. In the eastern hemisphere, a boy is worth more than a girl and therefore, how to have a baby boy naturally guide is high demanded.In the westerns, baby boy is preferable than a girl because boy is easy to grow. Regardless of the reasons why people want to have a baby boy, this article will discuss the best way how to have a baby boy naturally with easy ways. However, you need to know first some basic knowledge how you would make a baby boy.

Check the definite guide to plan your baby now please Visit this page.

Basic Ways to Have a Baby Boy

The medical technology has found some effective ways of how to have a baby boy naturally. The method is done by doing some alteration in the way you do the sexual intercourse. In short, you will have much bigger chance to get a baby boy if you could do the things that are suggested in the how to have a baby boy naturally guide below :

1.Determine or predict the next ovulation accurately

2.During the sexual intercourse, do a special position

3.Alter the acidity levels of the pH inside the vagina during the intercourse

4.Do some special diets to favor male sperm

If you know those all things above and you are able to do it, then you get the most effective way how to have a baby boy naturally. The methods above have been proven through scientific evidence and experiences from people. According to some international journals that have been written in the 1970s, mentioned that Shettless Method is the most famous method to conceive a boy. The method was developed by Dr. Sheetles and the basic idea of how to have a baby boy naturally is learning to get the right time to do the ovulation ( sexual intercourse ).

Sources of How to Have a Boy Naturally

There are many sources where you can get info and knowledge of how to have a baby boy naturally. It can be from the magazines, books, or even eBook from the internet. There are many ebooks talking about how to have a baby boy naturally that you can download free of charge. However, this article will not discuss about anything except how to have a baby boy naturally.

Check the definite guide to plan your baby learn how here

Method of How to Have a Boy Naturally

To know how to have a baby boy naturally you will also need to know that male sperm with code Y is weaker from female sperm with code X. it means male sperm is dying quicker than the female but they can swim faster than the female sperm. Knowing these facts, then it can be assumed that you will get a baby boy if you do the fertilization or sexual intercourse 12 hours before the ovulation. You can determine the time for the ovulation if you use ovulation monitor. A baby boy will be conceived if you do sex position that allows deep penetration such as missionary position.

To get bigger chance of a baby boy in the how to have a baby boy naturally method, you need to follow certain diet to reduce the pH because male sperm is dying quicker in high pH level. If you follow this how to have a baby boy naturally guide well, you will likely get a male baby.

Other Tips to have a Boy

If you follow the how to have a baby boy naturally well but still you fail, you must forget something. To get bigger chance of conceiving a baby boy there are some additional tips of how to have a baby boy naturally that both of you can do. During a sexual intercourse, to get a baby boy, the female, or the wife should orgasm. Female orgasm is reducing the acid level inside the vagina and increase the alkaline level. It means the male sperms will not dying during their efforts to swim to the ovum. Female orgasm also kills more female sperm because female sperms are weak of alkaline condition.

This how to have a baby boy naturally tip to have a baby boy naturally is rather hard to achieve because normally, a woman is ejaculating longer than a man. Therefore, intensive foreplay should be done before the penis penetration so that the woman will ejaculate first. Another how to have a baby boy naturally tip to have a baby boy naturally is ejaculating as many sperm as possible. It is suggested that a man should not do sex too often if he wants to get a baby boy.

Eat more protein and stop doing any sexual activities, including masturbation in order to grow more sperms and make it ready for the next intercourse. By producing more sperms means you increase the surviving rate of the sperm that you ejaculate inside the vagina. Therefore, according to how to have a baby boy naturally guide more sperms will reach the ovum and let the competition makes the best sperm fertilizes the ovum.

Check the definite guide to plan your baby now visit here.


  1. Hi velannie. I am a housewife aged 21 years. I'd love a boy in the womb my first. what method do you recommend can actually help me? Thank You for this great review.

    1. Dear thanks for the advice. so far I have not encountered a single method the success rate is 100% accurate in determining pregnancy sex of the baby we want.

      But I ever tried one method that has 80% success rate of an expert guide. This method without wasting thousands of our dollars in determining the sex of the baby we want. The above is one of my recommendations for your page.



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