Male sperm is known for moving faster than the female sperm but is by and large weaker. Not only that female sperm can live much longer than the male sperm. Given these factors, it's interesting to note that there are still more boys born than there are girls. In about 100 births, boys outnumber girls 51 to 49.
To begin with when you have intercourse a couple days before the woman ovulates, then the chances of having a male decrease. This is due to the fact that Y sperm will die off before it has a chance to fertilize a waiting egg. On the other hand, X sperm can continue to live on for a few days even in a less than friendly uterine environmental to make its way to the egg.
Timing intercourse with ovulation is one way for how to have a baby boy. Since we know that Y sperm has a limited lifespan but is quicker than X sperm, you can enjoy lovemaking with the knowledge that you have a better shot at conceiving a boy if you have sex within 48 hours of ovulation. With the help of ovulation testing kits, you can easily track this information and make adjustments to your schedule as needed.
The future dad can do a few things to increase the possibility of conceiving a boy. Y sperm are known to be less resilient and don't do well under hostile conditions. Some things that can help create a more friendly environment for sperm to develop are to wear loose underwear and clothes that don't trap body heat. You may need to avoid heavy activity for a while as well. Smoking and drinking can also impact sperm count, so eliminating these habits can help.
When it comes to how to have a baby boy, it is possible to be proactive and work the odds in your favor. While you can't be assured that you'll have a boy, at least you don't have to sit there "hoping" it is a male. Even small changes such as eating a diet that your doctor recommends to tweak body pH levels can assist you in conceiving a boy.
But there is one that is important in determining the type of pregnancy the baby is a boy by an expert guide. Now you can download the free guide here
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