Sunday, June 2, 2013

How To Have A Boy Naturally - Incrase Your Chances

how to have a boy naturally ways

Basic To Have A Boy

Fertility has been an important issue since time immemorial. Ancient people have placed much value on it as a significant aspect of life. A feast was established in some cultures and certain fertility deities and goddesses were recognized in it. Moreover, as time progresses, numerous research and studies have been conducted and developed to further enhance our knowledge and understanding about the conception process. Other researches were made to figure out relevant factors that are necessary to provide ideas on how to conceive a boy or a baby girl. Before digging further into this issue, understanding the process and gaining some ideas on how to enhance fertility is also beneficial.

The ability to reproduce commences when an individual reaches puberty. For some individuals, conception comes in without any difficulties while some may need special procedures to attain it. It is relevant to know that there are several factors which can be modified for the couple to be able to produce an offspring.

First, consider that the male’s sperm count is vital for fertilization to occur. To achieve an adequate sperm count and motility, men should consider various issues which may need modifications on some aspects of their lifestyle. Studies show that smoking decreases the mobility of the sperm. Furthermore, alcoholic drinks poison the cells in the testicles that produce sperm, eventually reducing the sperm count. High temperatures and masturbation also decreases sperm count. So, to prepare for your baby making day it is suggested that you modify your routine two months before it. Refrain from smoking and alcoholic drinks, as much as possible wear boxers and loose fitting shorts and avoid saunas, hot spas and hot baths.

Learn Ovulation To Have A Boy

How To Have A Baby Boy With Ovulation
How to Have a boy also depends on the right timing of sexual contact. Women should be able to determine their exact ovulation period and as much as possible keep track of it. Identifying your ovulation period can be done with the cervical mucus test. In this method you observe the consistency of your cervical mucus on a daily basis. Near your ovulation day, you will notice that your cervical mucus becomes more watery and very elastic the same as in a raw egg white. Another way to determine your day ovulation is bay observing your basal body temperature daily. It can be done using an ordinary thermometer placed under your tongue for three to five minutes. Check every morning before you do anything else.

Upon waking up while you are still lying on your bed. Make a record of your temperature daily. Upon ovulation you will notice a slight rise of your body temperature. It is important to keep a record of your temperature to determine your own pattern and identify its change. Everyone else is unique and slight variations are always present.

In addition to this, the Y chromosome of the sperm is said to be the ones that create a male offspring and it has very delicate characteristics that need to be assisted to facilitate the conception of a baby boy. The Y sperm can only survive for less than twenty four hours. Another thing is that these Y sperm cannot survive long in the acidic nature cervical area. Its only advantage against the X (girl) sperm is that these Y sperm are lighter thus they are able to swim very fast. To aid the Y sperm in reaching the egg cell first it is important that sexual contact be made not earlier than twenty four hours prior to ovulation and twelve hours after ovulating. Eating alkaline rich food will also help maintain alkalinity of the cervical environment to facilitate the survival of the Y sperm.

A sexual position that allows deep penetration will also increase the chances of the Y sperm to be the first to reach the egg cell. Most importantly female orgasm is also a relevant factor as studies found out that after orgasm the body releases a substance that increases the survival potential of the Y sperm giving the couple a higher chance of having a male offspring.

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